How to Sell Digital Assets On Pear Marketplace

Step 1

Under Marketplace, click on any advertisement on the front page. Make sure to check the unit price and order limit before placing an order.

You may view the contact details of the ad publisher, please contact the ad publisher before placing an order to make sure the user has the matching payment method and is available for trading. Key in the amount that you want to purchase, and include your telegram address so the ad publisher can contact you.

Step 2

Click on “Sell USDT” and then “Confirm to Sell”. Confirm the wallet interaction and pay a small sum of gas fee to execute the sell order.

Step 3

Once you have clicked on “Check”, check on the order details. You may contact the counterparty and wait for the buyer to make the payment. Make sure the payment has been received. Once received, click on “Payment Received”. Confirm the wallet interaction and pay a small sum of gas fee to execute the sell order.

Step 4

The digital assets will be released to the buyer automatically. The order will be marked as completed.

Last updated